Contractors - A Message

A message to contractors on the pitfalls of wrap-ups from Duke Mills, President of Wrap-Up Experts
I have worked with contractors for the past 20 years and found hundreds of ways for them to lose money in wrap-ups.
One of my clients was charged for a claim that belonged to another company on the job. Another was hit with a $5,000-per-day fine for not returning an injured employee to work the week the doctor released him. Contractors often call me in shock over an extraordinarily high penalty or safety fine. I reviewed one company's wrap-up and saw that the wrap-up administrator had assessed him 5% of the total project cost - instead of 5% of payroll.
Many of my clients just "feel" like something is wrong and ask me to find it. And, we almost always find something; about 80% of the wrap-ups we review contain one mistake or another.
I'd like to assist your company, too. If you are the do-it-yourself type, order my Contractor Survival Guide for Wrap-Ups. Its timelines, flow charts and worksheets will help you make informed decisions. We also hold webinars and seminars and offer monthly Killer Tips to help you successfully navigate your wrap-up. Click to receive email notices of educational programs and receive the Killer Tips. We'll send you 5 Killer Tips just for signing up.
If you're too busy to deal with the paperwork, let us do it for you. For $495, we will review any one of the three phases of a wrap-up, which are:
- Pre-Bid
- Active Project Audit
- Close-Out Audit
We'll Do It For You Program $495 Per Pre-Bid Review or Audit of a Single Wrap-Up Phase
We'll prepare the pre-bid insurance deduction worksheet or analyze an active project audit or a close-out audit. Clients (contractors or agents representing contractors) receive a completed pre-bid insurance deduction worksheet or written evaluation of the audit with action-items and recommendations. They also receive a Wrap-Up Experts checklist for future projects and a subscription to our monthly Killer Tips newsletter.
Click here to learn more about these services
Contact Duke Mills or call 863-646-4642 to get started.